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Results 1 - 10 of 42 (page 1 of 5)
Bad girls : sirens, Jezebels, murderesses, thieves, & other female villains / Jane Yolen and Heidi E. Y. Stemple ; illustrated by Rebecca Guay.
B.U.G : (Big Ugly Guy) / by Jane Yolen and Adam Stemple.
How do dinosaurs say merry Christmas? / Jane Yolen ; illustrated by Mark Teague.
Curse of the Thirteenth Fey : the true tale of Sleeping Beauty / Jane Yolen.
Waking dragons / by Jane Yolen ; paintings by Derek Anderson.
How do dinosaurs say good night? / by Jane Yolen ; [translated by Pepe Alvarez-Salas/Scholastic Inc. (Spanish), Kym Pham & Michele Anouilh-Reed (French), J.T. da Silva (Portuguese)].
Creepy monsters, sleepy monsters : a lullaby / Jane Yolen ; illustrated by Kelly Murphy.
My father knows the names of things / Jane Yolen ; illustrated by Stephane Jorisch.
Not all princesses dress in pink / by Jane Yolen and Heidi E.Y. Stemple ; illustrated by Anne-Sophie Lanquetin.
How do dinosaurs laugh out loud? / Jane Yolen & [illustrated by] Mark Teague. --.

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